Saturday, May 31, 2008

andy's BBQ birthday!

complete with hamburger art

and creepy faces

james, kiffy

mom, daniel

colie, christopher

ashley, stella

toni, mia

daniel, micheal

so, who wins for best "creepiest" face?


Richelle said...

your mom! i love it soooo much. i laughed out loud. this was a great idea dan. not a suprise that you would come up with it. teach me how to be creative!

Scott+Kimber+Ruby=Scimby said...

Hey Lockens!!!! How are you guys?! we have a blog too! I love this, everyone can keep in touch so easily. Well, I hope everything is good with you and Kiffy!

Cal said...

I like stella's. but I would probably chose yours IF IT WAS ON HERE!!

PS. "you didn't tell me it was an alien baby"

Cal said...
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